Born in a commune in France in 1876, Daniel often told his mother he would grow up to be the Pope.
At ten, he entered the minor seminary and by the time he was twenty-three, Daniel was a priest.
He was assigned to teach but didn’t feel called to that profession so he joined the Congregation of The Holy Spirit and was sent to Africa.
When World War I broke out, Daniel became a battlefield Chaplain, and he was fearless.
He was cited six times for bravery and was awarded the Croix de Guerre and the Legion of Honor. He said his ability to serve his countrymen under fire was due to the intercession of St. Therese of Lisieux.
After the war ended, Daniel led efforts to help orphaned and abandoned children, while dedicating all of his work, to St. Therese.
He died on this day in 1936.
Blessed Daniel Brottier, please pray for us.