December 24th

The Feast of St. Adele

Born in what is now Germany in the late 7th century, Adele was the daughter of King Dagobert II whose succession to the throne was filled with royal intrigue. 

Adele grew up with a great love for The Lord and became a devout follower of St. Boniface who wrote to Adele. 

She married and then had a son but her husband died. When her son was old enough to live independently, Adele made arrangements for him to receive his entire inheritance and made the decision to enter the religious life. 

She would go on to become an Abbess, founding a convent near Trier. Adele was known for her compassion and holiness. 

She died in 730 AD, but her legacy of faith would live on. Her grandson would become St. Gregory of Utrecht. 

St. Adele, please pray for us. 

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