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November 30th

The Feast of St. Andrew The Apostle

Born in Galilee, Andrew was a little bit older than Jesus. 

Matthew identifies Andrew as Peter’s brother. As the two fishermen are casting nets into the sea, Jesus calls them to follow saying: I will make you fishers of men. 

John, on the other hand, identifies Andrew as a Disciple of John The Baptist who, when he sees Jesus, says: Behold: The Son of Man. This inspires Andrew and another Disciple to follow Jesus. 

Before the multiplication of the fishes and loaves, it is Andrew who spots the boy who has them, and later, when some of the Gentiles approached Jesus, they first went to Philip who then went to Andrew, and it was Andrew who talked to Jesus, which, some scholars suggest, implies Andrew was uniquely close to Jesus. 

Tradition holds that Andrew carried The Word of The Lord across Greece and Turkey, and the Christian historian, Eusebius, tracks Andrew preaching through modern-day Ukraine, as far as Kyiv. 

In Patrus, which is in modern-day Greece, he was martyred on an X-shaped cross, because he deemed himself unworthy of being crucified in the same manner as Jesus. 

St. Andrew The Apostle, please pray for us. 

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