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January 3rd

The Feast of St. Genevieve

Born in France in 422, Genevieve was the daughter of Severus and Geronca. 

When she was seven years old, St. Germanus visited her town while he was making his way to Britain. A large crowd gathered to hear him speak and receive a blessing. 

While he was speaking to them he noticed Genevieve. Immediately Germanus was given an insight into her holiness, and he told the entire crowd, that young Genevieve would live a life of great Sanctity. 

Afterwards, she asked Germanus for Spiritual Direction. He took her to a nearby Church and Consecrated Genevieve to The Lord. 

The next day he confirmed her newly dedicated life by giving her a brass medal engraved with The Cross, telling her to never again wear any other bracelets or necklaces. 

After the death of both of her parents, Genevieve went to live with her Grandmother and, at the age of fifteen, left to become a Nun. 

From that point on, she lived a life of prayer, service, and fasting. 

Genevieve was Blessed with numerous gifts from The Holy Spirit including visions. 

However, when she described those visions, many were threatened. In fact, it would take the intercession of Germanus to keep her from being martyred. 

Genevieve became an advisor to the King and, during a famine, asked his permission to help. She took a fleet of boats to Troy and brought back enough corn to feed all of Paris, preventing starvation and the collapse of the city. 

Later, when Atilla, the Hun, was on his way to Paris, she advised the entire city to remain in their homes and pray, rather than flee. Atilla abruptly changed course and did not invade Paris. 

She died on this day in Paris in 512. 

After her death, many miracles were attributed to her, most notably during the fever of 1129, when all who touched her Shrine were healed. 

St. Genevieve, please pray for us. 

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