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November 27th

The Feast of St. Virgilius

Born in Ireland at the beginning of the 8th century, he was the son of a nobleman and educated at the Abbey of Iona off the coast of Scotland. 

There, Virgilius became a priest and also developed a unique gift for geography far ahead of his time. 

In his mid-forties he left Ireland to make a pilgrimage to The Holy Land and, afterward, settled in France for a few years before going to Bavaria. 

In Bavaria, he helped St. Rupert bring the faith to those living in the Alps and across much of Austria. 

Eventually, Virgilius was named Abbot of Salzburg. It was here that he had a serious disagreement with St. Boniface. Virgilius believed that the earth was round which, at the time, was considered heretical, and St. Boniface twice denounced him in Rome. In both cases, however, Virgilius was cleared. 

He went on to continue spreading The Lord’s Word, building The Church, and becoming known as The Apostle of southern Austria. 

He died on this day in 1232. 

St. Virgilius, please pray for us. 

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