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September 16th

The Feast of Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian

The persecution of the early Church cost so many lives but it also tore at the fabric of The Church. 

In the mid-3rd century during what turned out to be a temporary lull in these persecutions a vicious debate broke out between some who felt those Christians who had renounced their faith under the penalty of torture and death should not be readmitted, and, those who felt that, after doing penance, they should be allowed to return. 

Cornelius had been elected Pope by a College of Priests who had been running The Church for almost a year and a half after the death of St. Pope Fabian, who was among those who did not deny his faith and, as a result, was murdered. 

Novatian was a priest in Rome who violently disagreed with Cornelius. Leading a group of laymen and other priests he had himself elected Anti-Pope. 

Seeking support from other Bishops, Cornelius found a friend and ally in Cyprian of Africa who helped rally support for the real Pope. Novatian was condemned, and in 251 a synod was held in Rome restoring all relapsed Christians. 

However, after only two years, Pope Cornelius was removed during another round of Roman persecutions and he, along with Cyprian, were sent into exile where they died, likely from abuse and neglect. 

Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian, please pray for us.

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