A few days ago we celebrated Mary’s Assumption into Heaven. Today, on the Octave Day, the eighth day of that Feast, we honor her as Queen of Heaven.
The beginning of this journey really started with Angel Gabriel, who tells Mary her son, Jesus, will be called Son of The Most High, and God will give Him the throne of David.
At the first council of Trent in the 5th century, The Blessed Mother was proclaimed: Mater Dei – Mother of God.
In 1954 Pius XII established today and a Feast Day, celebrating Mary as Queen of Heaven because Jesus is the Heavenly King.
In his encyclical “To The Queen of Heaven”, Pius XII says that Mary deserves this title because she is the Mother God because she is closely associated with the new Eve and Jesus’ Redemptive work, because of her preeminent perfection and because of her intercessory power.
And, of course, we call upon Our Lady’s intercession at the end of every rosary when we pray: Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope.”
Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, please, pray for us.