Deliverance & Spiritual Safeguards with Msgr. Stephen Rossetti In this episode of Roadmap to Heave...
Holiness and Divine Providence Divine Providence is God’s attunement and guidance as all of creation and each individual journeys toward perfection.
How to Grow through the Examination of Conscience The examination of conscience is a self-analysis in God’s presence.
Growth in the Love of God Ultimately, growing in the love of God means choosing God’s Divine Will and sacrificing our own.
Holiness and Constant Prayer Our sainthood depends on our turning to God throughout the moments of our lives, nurturing our relationship with frequent acknowledgment of His presence.
Mary, Mother of the Church Placing ourselves in Mary’s protection and care, as Jesus once did, she becomes our safe shelter where we can offer up our struggles like we do in the rosary when we “sen...
Our Lady of Akita “Many men in this world afflict the Lord. I await souls to console Him. Pray in reparation for the ingratitude and the outrages of so many men. The Rosary is your w...
Growing in the Virtue of Humility In many ways, growth in humility is a summary of the spiritual life of a Catholic. Because of the wounds of original sin and our tendency toward self-love, the struggle t...
Striving for Perfection Perfection refers to a state of completeness or wholeness, particularly in our relationship with God. We are perfect in as much as we live out the purpose for which we we...
Our Lady of Pontmain Here’s a story that may cast a little light on trusting in God as I tell you about the events of Our Lady of Pontmain…
Understanding and Overcoming Vice Vices are evil dispositions of the mind that lead us to shirk good and indulge in evil. They are the result of repeated sinful acts and can become deeply ingrained habits...