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April 13 – The Feast of St. Pope Martin I

Born in central Italy in the late 6th century, Martin was from a noble family and grew up with a great love for The Lord, and for the poor. 

As a young man, he joined the Order of St. Basil and became an Abbot. 

In 641, Pope John IV sent him to what is now Croatia to help Christians in the region whose Churches had been destroyed by invading Slavic armies. Afterward, he became a Papal Legate. 

Then, in 649, he was elected Pope, but he was not supported by the Byzantine Emperor in Constantinople, Constance II. 

In addition, there was a heresy at the time which denied the humanity of Christ and which was strongly supported by the Byzantine Emperor. 

Martin convened a Council at St. John Lateran Church, attended by over 100 Bishops, which began an official condemnation of the heresy. 

In Response, Constance II sent troops to Rome who seized Pope Martin and took him back to Constantinople as a prisoner. 

There, he was condemned to death. 

Although, through the intercession of his replacement, Pope Paul II, the death sentence was not carried out. Pope Martin had been tortured so badly that he died of his wounds in 655. 

St. Pope Martin I, please pray for us. 

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