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April 14 – The Feast of Bl. Peter Gonzales

Born in Spain, late in the 12th century, he was educated by his well-placed uncle and enjoyed a number of early successes as a young man. 

Then one day, as he was riding his horse into the town of Astora to accept a new position which had been secured for him by his uncle, his horse stumbled, throwing him into a mud-filled puddle. A number of people saw this and were greatly amused, but the experience humbled Peter and he resolved to make a deeper journey with The Lord. 

He entered the Dominicans and, after his ordination, became an outstanding preacher. His reputation reached King Ferdinand III and Peter was asked to provide spiritual direction for the King and his court, praying with them before, during, and after their successful battle with the Moors. 

Then, Peter’s attention turned to the victorious soldiers, who he convinced not to pillage in the wake of their victory. He also was able to get King Ferdinand to see the need for compassion toward the defeated Moors. 

Retiring from the King’s court, Peter then went to the coast of Spain where he ministered to Spanish and Portuguese 

sailors, for whom he would ultimately become their Patron Saint. 

Blessed Peter Gonzales, please pray for us.

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