Born in 1894 in what is now Poland, The Blessed Mother appeared to Maximillian when he was a young man, offering him a choice between two crowns: one was for virtue, and the other was for martyrdom.
Maximilian chose both.
After spending his life encouraging devotion to The Blessed Mother from his native Poland all the way to Japan, he was arrested by the Nazis and sent to Auschwitz.
There, Maximillian was killed by the Nazis after offering his life to save a fellow prisoner.
But, in the hours before he was arrested by the Nazis, Maximillian got the answer to a question he had been searching for all of his life.
These are his own words and that question: “Who then are you, Oh Immaculate Conception? And Who is the Holy Spirit?”
His answer was this, The flowering of Divine Love of The Father and The Son is Created Conception. The fruit of Divine Love is Immaculate Conception.
The Father begets, The Son is begotten, The Spirit is Conception.
So, the Holy Spirit is the un-created Immaculate Conception. The Blessed Mother is the created Immaculate Conception.
The creature most completely filled with God, Himself is The Immaculata.
United to The Holy Spirit as his spouse, she is one with God Who produces, in an Immaculate manner, Divine Light inside the womb of St. Anne and in Mary’s soul, making her The Immaculate Conception, at Lourdes, The Blessed Mother did not tell St. Bernadette she had been Immaculately Conceived, she said,” I am The Immaculate Conception”.
Nearly a century later and after giving his entire life to understand this concept which so many others had struggled to understand, St. Maximilian Kolbe finally gets his answer, writes it down, and almost immediately, the Nazis pound on his door to take him to receive his crown of martyrdom.
St. Maximilian Kolbe, please pray for us.