Born in the 4th century in what is now Algeria, she was married at a young age to Patricious, a Roman official.
He was not a Christian, had quite a temper, and was not always loyal but he did love Monica and they had three children: Augustine, Navigius, and Perpetua.
Patricius would not allow the children to be Baptized but when Augustine became very sick Monica begged and he relented.
However, when Augustine grew up he rejected the faith and lived a life free of concerns about anything but pleasure in the moment.
Monica, whose heart was broken by Augustine’s lifestyle, reached a point where she rebuked and rejected him. But she had a vision that she should reconcile with him and also received that guidance from her Bishop who told her: “The child of those tears shall never perish.”
Monica’s great faith changed many hearts including those of both her husband and her mother-in-law.
But it is Monica’s great love for her son that has stood as a model for hope for all parents throughout the centuries.
At twenty-nine, Augustine told his mother he was going to the dock to say goodbye to a friend. Instead, he got on a boat and went to Rome to teach rhetoric. In spite of her broken heart, Monica followed.
By the time she arrived, Augustine had gone to Milan, so she followed him there, all the while praying constantly for his conversion.
It was in Milan that Augustine met St. Ambrose, whose council led to the conversion of Augustine, a conversion that has benefitted countless souls for thousands of years.
Not long after, Monica died, after telling Augustine: “All my hopes in this life, have been fulfilled.”
St. Monica, please pray for us.