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January 13 – The Feast of St. Hilary of Poitiers

Born in what is now Poitiers, France near the start of the fourth century, his studies included Greek and the Old and New Testament. Ultimately, this experience led to his conversion to Christianity and he, his wife, and daughter, were baptized into the church. 

Around the year 350, though he did not want it, Hillary was elected Bishop of Poitiers and immediately found himself in battle with the Arians who denied the divinity of Christ. 

The task was huge because Arianism was spreading so rapidly. The Eastern Church had a great defender of Jesus’ divinity, Saint Athanasius. 

In 355 the Emperor, Constantine II, ordered all bishops in the west to condemn Athanasius and support Arianism. When Hillary refused he was banished from France and sent to Phrygia. From there he spoke, debated, and wrote extensively about the heresy of Arianism to the point where he became known as, “The Athanasius of the West“. 

Eventually, those in support of Arianism grew so weary debating Hillary on the subject because they could never 

defeat him, they finally begged the emperor to send Hillary back to France which he did. 

When Hillary returned to Poitiers, he was welcomed, but his fight against Arianism would last the rest of his life. 

He died in 367.

Saint Hilary of Poitiers, please pray for us. 

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