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January 14 – The Feast of St. Felix of Nola

Born in Italy in the mid-third century, he was the oldest son of a Syrian centurion who had gone to Italy after retiring from the military. 

Felix became a Christian and, after his father passed away, he sold the property and all his inherited possessions and gave the money to the poor. 

His spiritual guide was Saint Maximus, the Bishop of Nola. Felix entered the priesthood and was ordained by Maximus becoming his assistant. 

During the persecution of the Roman Emperor, Decius, Maximus fled into the desert. But Felix stayed and was arrested. While in prison he was routinely beaten but refused to deny Jesus. 

One night an Angel appeared to Felix and told him Maximus needed his help. The Angel helped Felix escape and he went to look for Maximas, finding him very sick. 

Taking Maximus back to Nola and finding him an abandoned building, Felix cared for Maximus but eventually, he died. 

After the persecution of Decius ended, the people of Nola begged Felix to become their Bishop but he declined. Instead, he bought a piece of land and gave what he could to the poor. 

He spent the rest of his life there and died on this day in 250. After his death, there were many miracles attributed to him. 

Saint Felix of Nola, please pray for us.

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