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January 19 – The Feast of St. Fillan

Born in Ireland around the start of the 8th century, he was the son of an Irish King and his mother was St. Kentigerna. 

For reasons that aren’t clear, he and his mother left Ireland and went to Scotland. 

Fillan had become a Monk and upon arriving in Scotland, he lived as a hermit. 

Eventually, he returned to Monastic life, becoming an Abbott at a Monastery in St. Andrews. 

Folklore says his right arm glowed because of his great spiritual writings and that he also had a gift for healing. 

In fact, a body of water near the monastery became known as Fillan’s Pool because so many went there for cures. 

He died on this day sometime in the mid-8th century. 

St. Fillan, please pray for us. 

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