Born in northern Italy in 1530, Bernadino came from a family that was very close to The Church. His father worked for Cardinal Madruzzo, but Bernardino had other ideas for his life.
He initially wanted to become a doctor but later changed his mind and studied law.
He received degrees in both civil and canon law and quickly developed a reputation as an outstanding lawyer and judge.
But in 1564 Bernardino heard a Jesuit priest speak and sought that priest out for confession. The process left him feeling called to the priesthood.
After a week-long retreat, he decided to answer that call.
Two years later, Bernardino made his final vows and was assigned by St. Francis Borgia to found a Jesuit house and college in Lecce in southern Italy. It was there that he would spend the next four decades and the rest of his life.
Bernardino not only served the house and college but also the community they were located in. He was known as a great confessor and stressed the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation both to his pupils and those attending mass.
He also provided care for the poor and suffering.
Bernardino was so loved that, during his last days, local officials asked him to be the protector of their city after his death.
He died on this day in 1616 while saying the names of Jesus and Mary.
St. Bernardino Realino, please pray for us.