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July 25 – The Feast of St. James The Greater

Born in Bethsaida around the year 3 AD, he was the son of Zebedee and Salome and the brother of the Apostle John.

He was referred to as James the Greater to distinguish him from James, son of Alpheaus, perhaps because he was taller. 

The first time we meet James, he and his brother John are fishing on the Sea of Galilee when Jesus calls them to come and follow, making them among the first Apostles. 

James, John, and Peter witnessed the Transfiguration, and James is with Jesus in the Garden at Gethsemane. It is also James and John who are rebuked by Jesus for wanting fire sent down on a Samaritan town that refused to accept them as they made their final journey into Jerusalem. 

His mother, Salome, was also a devoted follower of Jesus. 

James was beheaded around the year 42 or 43 AD at the order of Herrod and his remains were taken to Galicia, Spain. 

During the persecution of the Christians in the 3rd century his tomb was abandoned but around 814 AD it was rediscovered when strange lights were seen in the sky and then until now a Church has been on that sight, the current being Santiago de Compostela, which is the destination of the pilgrimage walk known as The Way of St. James. 

St. James The Greater, please pray for us.

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