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July 29 – Sts. Martha, Mary, and Lazarus

Most of the lives of the Saints who knew Jesus are largely undiscovered and, what we do know, is often remembered to make a point. 

But in Chapter 11 of the Gospel of John, it’s very clear how Jesus felt about these three siblings, as John tells us: 

“Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.” 

In Luke, we hear of Martha’s invitation to Jesus to dine with them and when He does, Mary sits with Him while Martha is busy serving. Then, when Martha asks for help, Jesus tells her Mary has made the right decision; to spend time with Him, suggesting we all must be aware that busyness can sometimes take away from our faith journey. 

This story sometimes overshadows Martha’s incredible faith and that it was to her house, which she shared with Mary and Lazarus, that Jesus so often went to when He was in Judea. Jesus was very comfortable in the house of Martha. 

When Jesus returns to her house, after the death of Lazarus, Martha goes out to meet Him before He enters and says she knows that; “, even now, whatever You ask of God, He will give You.” 

Jesus said to Martha: “Your brother will rise” to which Martha responds, “I know he will rise in the Resurrection on the last day” but Jesus tells her, “I am the Resurrection and The Light. Whoever believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” 

She said to Him: “Yes, Lord, I have come to believe that You are The Christ, the Son of God, the One Who is coming into the world.” 

Quite likely the reason Martha was so busy making sure everything in her house was in order was because she was so acutely aware of Who it was she was serving. 

Clearly, so was Mary. She’d once washed Jesus’ feet with her hair. And as for Lazarus, Jesus wept for him, brought him back to life, and, a few days later, died for him and all the rest of us. 

Sts. Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, please pray for us.

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