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June 26 – The Feast of St. Jose Maria Escriva

Born in Spain in 1902, he was the second of six children. 

When Jose was in his early teens his father’s business went bankrupt so he moved his family to Logrono where he found work in a clothing store. 

From his youth, Jose felt called by the Lord and chosen for a special mission. When he was sixteen, fresh snow fell in Logrono and Jose noted the solitary footprints of a Carmelite Friar who had walked through the snow in his bare feet. 

That sacrifice inspired Jose Maria to ask himself: 

“If others can make such sacrifices for the Lord, can I offer something?” 

Jose asked for permission from his father to become a priest and was ordained in 1925. 

While leading a retreat on The Feast of the Guardian Angels, Jose had a vision of people of all races and all walks of life finding God and reflecting on their faith in their everyday lives, and becoming Saints. 

This vision became the foundation for Opus Dei. 

In 1943, Jose founded The Priestly Society for the Holy Cross, and by the time of his death in 1975, Opus Dei had more than 60 thousand members in more than 80 countries. 

In Addition, Jose Maria had a major shrine built in honor of the Blessed Mother in Spain. He said:
“To Jesus we go and to Him we return, through Mary.” 

He died on this day in 1975 in his office, in front of a painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe. 

St. Jose Maria Escriva, please pray for us.

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