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June 6 – The Feast of St. Norbert

Born in Germany late in the 11th century, Norbert was the son of a Count and his family helped him gain a position as a sub-Deacon whose only responsibility was to chant the Divine Office. 

Later, he became a Chaplain to Henry V of Cologne. 

These positions paid Norbert, and that was enough for him to live a life of pleasure while giving off the appearance of being a committed religious. 

Then in 1115, as he was riding, a thunderstorm produced a lightning strike that startled his horse and he was thrown to the ground where he lay unconscious for nearly an hour. 

When he woke up, he found himself saying, “Lord, what do you want me to do?” And he heard The Lord say: “Turn from evil and do good. Seek peace and pursue it.” 

Norbert gave away all his possessions and became a priest. 

With the Pope’s permission, he became a traveling preacher, adopting an extremely spare lifestyle, traveling barefoot, even in winter. 

The Bishop of Lyon offered Norbert some land to start a Community and, in spite of the demanding reforms, he attracted enough followers to build eight abbeys and two convents. 

Called the Norbertines, this was the first community to offer an affiliation for lay people. 

Against his wishes, he was made Bishop and then Archbishop of Magdeburg, and here, too, Norbert brought greatly needed reform. 

At the end of his life, he also helped resolve a dispute between rival Popes, supporting Pope Innocent II. 

St. Norbert, please pray for us.

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