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March 11 – The Feast of St. Eulogius

Born in Cordoba, Spain in the early 9th century, the Muslims were firmly in control and, for the most part, left the Christians to their own. 

However, when Ahmed Er Ramman came to power, that changed, and an extreme persecution of the Christians ensued. 

Eulogius was a descendant of the Roman senatorial class. He was well educated and his brother, Joseph, had an office in the palace. His sister had become a nun and he became a priest and teacher, eventually being named head of the ecclesiastical school of Cordoba. 

Known for his leadership and eloquence, Eulogius was also famous for his kindness and traveled extensively, teaching the Word of The Lord in an occupied land. 

In 850, there was an especially intense Christian persecution, and in Cordoba, the Bishop and all the priests, including Eulogius, were arrested. Undeterred, he read the bible to his fellow prisoners. 

He was eventually released, but in 857 a young woman named Leocretia, who was the daughter of a noble family of Moors, converted to Christianity and sought protection from her angry parents. 

Eulogius and other Christians took her in but they were all arrested and condemned. 

Eulogius was executed on this day in 857, along with those who had helped the young virgin, and Leocrertia was murdered four days later. 

St. Eulogius, please pray for us. 

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