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May 25 – The Feast of St. Bede

Born in England in 673, at the age of seven, and after surviving a plague, he was sent to the Benedictine monastery, Monkwearmouth, in the Kingdom of Northumbria, England. 

Here, Bede thrived in every way. 

He was a Deacon at 19, ordained at 30, and while still a young man, was made Abbott of the monastery of St. Paul. 

He was a gifted leader but he was also a great scholar, teacher, historian, and writer. In fact, very quickly he became known as a brilliant Saint in his own time. 

Bede became an expert in the science of calculating calendar dates, especially Easter, which at the time was the object of extensive disagreement. 

He is considered to be one of the most important scholars of the early Middle Ages and his work: The Ecclesiastical History of the English People was a template for the writing of history. 

Kings and Popes constantly asked Bede to come to them and stay and, while he traveled extensively, the monastery was always his home. 

He died in 753 while saying his favorite prayer, “Glory be to The Father, to The Son, and to The Holy Spirit, as it was, in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.”

St. Bede, please pray for us.

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