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November 10 – The Feast of St. Leo the Great

Born in Italy at the start of the 5th century he became a priest in his 20s and quickly impressed those around and above him with his writings which defended The Church against numerous heresies. 

In 440 he was elected to the Papacy and for the next two decades continued his attack against these heresies while defining and solidifying the Pope’s role in the leadership of all, by service, from The Chair of St. Peter. 

To the Eastern Church, he wrote a letter that came to be known as “Leo’s Tome” which explained the two natures of Christ. 

In 452, Atilla the Hun invaded Italy and was on his way to sack Rome when Leo and two others were asked by the Roman Emperor, Valentian III, to seek a meeting with Atilla. 

After the meeting, Attila withdrew his planned attack on Rome. Some said it was because he was impressed with and convinced by Leo, others reported that a huge Angel which only Atilla could see, stood with Leo and his party. 

Pope Leo was especially effective at communicating the Doctrine of The Mysteries of Christ and the Graces flowing from the Sacraments available to those making their journey with Jesus through The Church. 

He died in 461.

St. Leo the Great, please pray for us. 

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