Today is the feast day of saints Daniel, Samuel, and companions who are martyrs, as well as Saint Francis Borgia. Born in Spain in 1510, his father was a duke and deeply faithful. As a result, Francis grew up in comfort and privilege, but with a great love for the Lord. When he was about 20, he married Leonor, and they had 8 children. He became Duke of Gandhi in 1543 when his father died and served on the imperial court. But 3 years later, Francis’ beloved wife died, and soon he began to think about joining a religious order. Over the next 6 years, he made provisions for his children and then entered the newly formed Society of Jesus and became a Jesuit priest He had sought a journey of quiet contemplation and prayer, but his administrative skills were just too useful, and quickly he was drawn into leadership roles. In 1565, Francis was elected superior general for the Society of Jesus. He also became the spiritual adviser for the King of Spain.
He founded Gregorian University, and a dozen other colleges and missions in Florida, Mexico, and Peru, and sent missionaries all over the world. Francis died on this day in 1572 and is considered by many to be the 2nd founder of the Jesuits.
Saint Francis Borgia, please pray for us.