Born in Spain in 1499 his father was governor of Alcantara and his mother was from a prominent noble family.
Peter felt called to serve The Lord from a young age and by the time he was sixteen he’d made the decision to join the Franciscans.
Drawn to the strictest observance of the Franciscan journey, Peter never allowed himself to sleep very much, some reports say just 90 minutes a night, and he kept severe limits on his clothing and diet.
At 22, he was sent to establish a new Order of stricter observance to the Rule of St. Francis, and they became known as the Alcatrans, who in the 19th century would join with other Franciscans to form The Orders of Friars Minor.
Peter was a great preacher and many sought his wisdom. He was St. Teresa of Avila’s Spiritual Director and it was Peter who encouraged her to bring reform to the Carmelites.
In St. Teresa’s autobiography, she detailed some of the miracles Peter performed.
St. John of The Cross and St. Ignatius of Loyola were also among his contemporaries.
As he was dying, Peter was offered a glass of water but refused it saying: “My Lord, Jesus Christ, thirsted on The Cross.”
He died in prayer while still on his knees in 1562.
St. Peter of Alcantara, please pray for us.