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October 4 – The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi

Born in central Italy in 1181, Francesco Bernadini was born into privilege and grew up surrounded by all the trappings of the family’s place in society. 

As a young man, he was handsome, smart, and witty but, Francis had a conversion, actually, he had several, and the last occurred when he was selling fine cloth in the marketplace while working for his father. 

When he was approached by a beggar, he was so moved he gave the beggar all the money he had, both his own, and the money from his father’s business, which enraged his father, and amused his friends. 

Francis felt called to prayer. Deep and lengthy prayer. And he heard The Lord say to him: “Francis, everything you have loved and desired, it is your duty to hate and despise if you wish to know My Will.” 

So, Francis took all of his possessions and gave them to his father, who was demanding repayment, and then he went begging door-to-door for the poor. He would do this, for the rest of his life. 

To many and for quite a while, Francis was considered a religious fanatic. And yet, he began to attract followers. 

He did not intend to start a new community but soon he had so many followers, there was no other choice. 

Francis was a great preacher and knew he was called to preach about the suffering of others and to celebrate all of God’s creation. 

But he also yearned for prayer and contemplation. Near the end of his life, he was given the stigmata. He died at the age of just 44. 

Pope Francis said he chose that name after being elected when Cardinal Claudio Hummas said to him: “Don’t forget the poor.” 

The Lord also said to St. Francis: “Francis, go out and build up my house for it is nearly falling down.” 

At a time when our Church is under attack, and so many in the world are without homes, when even the planet we live on is suffering, let us all pray for the intentions of our Holy Father. 

St. Francis of Assisi, please pray for us.

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