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September 14 – The Exaltation Of The Holy Cross

The Cross Jesus died on was discovered when St. Helena, mother of St. Constantine, traveled to The Holy Land where she built Churches and worked to help the poor. 

The site where The Cross was found had, historically, been an area of worship by Christians but in the 2nd century, a temple dedicated to the Greek God, Venus, had been built over the spot. 

St. Helena ordered the Greek temple be torn down, and replaced by a Church. But in the process of tearing it down, a hiding place for three crosses and the inscription Pilate had ordered was discovered. 

According to the ancient historian, Socrates of Constantinople, a dying woman was touched by each cross and was healed by the third, and that was the evidence used to determine which was The Cross Jesus died on. 

One-third of The Cross was sent to Rome and placed in a Basilica. Another third was to Constantinople to protect the city and the third part was left in Jerusalem and placed inside a new Church, ordered by St. Helena. 

The Church of The Holy Sepulcher. 

During the Byzantine war, from 614 to 630, part of the True Cross in Jerusalem was taken by a Byzantine Emperor as a trophy after Jerusalem was captured but, was returned 15 years later when he was defeated by Heraculus. 

Around the year 1009, another invading army charged into Jerusalem and ordered the destruction of The Church of The Holy Sepulcher, so Christians hid the cross until the city was retaken by soldiers of the first Crusade. 

Today, we remember the dedication of The Church of The Holy Sepulchre, with The Feast of the Exaltation of The Cross. 

St. Helena, please pray for us.

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