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September 19 – The Feast of St. Januarius

Born in the third century in or near Naples, he developed a great devotion to Jesus as a very young man, and by the time was in his mid-teens was already a priest. 

When Januarius was about twenty, he was elected Bishop of Naples and crossed paths with Juliana of Nicomedia and St. Sossius. 

This was during the persecution of Diocletian. The three teamed up together to hide Christians from the brutal Emperor. When St. Sossius was arrested, Januarius went to visit him and was arrested as well. 

Then, Juliana and the rest of Januarius’ colleagues were also arrested and condemned. 

The initial sentence was to have him thrown to wild bears but the bears refused to attack. So, instead, they were beheaded and martyred on this day in 305 AD. 

Some of Januarius’ blood was sealed and taken to the Cathedral in Naples. Through the centuries to this day, the blood liquifies at various times during the year. 

In the presence of Pope Pius IX in 1848, it entirely liquified, and in 2015, after Pope Francis venerated and kissed the contained, it half liquified. 

Afterwards, Pope Francis said; “We can see that the Saint only half loves us. We must all spread the Word so that he loves us more.” 

St. Januarius, please pray for us. 

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