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September 4 – The Feast of St. Rose of Viterbo

Born in central Italy in 1233, Rose was connected to the suffering of the poor even as a child, in spite of the fact that she and her family were probably poor themselves. 

While still a young girl she gave away what she could, fasted often, and prayed constantly. 

At the age of ten, The Blessed Mother appeared to Rose and told her to take the habit of the Third Order of St. Francis and to preach and do penance. 

She was allowed to take the habit and, carrying the crucifix, began to walk the streets in Viterbo preaching about Jesus and the need to follow Him through The Church while doing penance. Then she would return to her father’s house and pray. 

Viterbo was under the rule of Frederick II at the time and in conflict with the Pope. When Rose made it clear that she and her family were aligned with the Pope, they were exiled. 

But, on December the fifth, 1250, Rose predicted that Frederick would soon die. Eight days later, he did. 

Rose and her family returned to their home and she tried to enter the Poor Clare monastery but was denied because she did not have a dowry. 

So Rose returned to her father’s house and a life of preaching, prayer, and penance. 

She died in 1251 at the age of just 18, probably from tuberculosis. 

St. Rose of Viterbo, please pray for us.

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