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April 5 – The Feast of St. Vincent Ferrer

Born in Spain in 1350, he was the 4th child of a nobleman and, during a dream, his father was told by a Dominican Friar that his son would become famous throughout the world. 

When he was born he was given the name Vincent after St. Vincent, The Martyr, Patron Saint of Valencia. Still, when he chose to enter the Dominicans, his parents begged him not to. 

This was during the Western Schism, one of the most difficult periods in Church History, when the Catholic Church was divided by two men who made claims to the Papacy. 

Vincent was ordained by Cardinal Peter Deluna, who urged Catholics to follow Clement VII in Avignon, and as a result, so did Vincent. 

Then, when Clement died and Deluna replaced him as Benedict XIII, Vincent supported him as well. 

However, Vincent came to realize Pope Urban VI in Rome was the true Pope and decided to concentrate all his efforts on serving Christ first and to make the most of his amazing gifts in preaching The Gospel. 

After failing to convince his former friend to resign, Vincent delivered a powerful rebuke during a service over which Benedict was presiding. And, it was after this service, that Benedict was abandoned by his followers and fled, to be later deposed at the Council of Constance. 

Meanwhile, Vincent’s preaching took him on a two decade tour of Spain, Italy, France, England, Ireland, and Switzerland. 

After speaking to the nuns of St. Colette, founder of the Poor Clares, she told him he would die in France, which he did, on this day in 1419 at the age of 69. 

St. Vincent Ferrer, please pray for us. 

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