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December 10 – The Feast of Our Lady of Loretto

In 313, Helana, the mother of St. Constantine, had a Basilica built over a small home that Christians had long venerated as the home The Blessed Virgin Mary lived in when the Angel Gabriel appeared to her. 

With the invasion of the Saracens in 1090 came destruction, looting, and plundering across The Holy Land and the Basilica was one of many buildings destroyed but, the Holy House survived intact, buried under the rubble. 

The Basilica was rebuilt but, once again, destroyed by invading Muslims in 1263 and, once again, the Holy House was spared. 

In 1291, when the Crusaders were completely driven out of the Holy Land, Mary’s House disappeared, reappearing later that same year, in Croatia, where it was discovered by Fr. Alexander Georgievich. 

In 1294, with yet another Muslim invasion, the Holy House vanished once again. 

On December 10th of the same year, Shepherds reported seeing it being transported by Angels over the Adriatic Sea, later coming to rest in Renconatti, Italy. 

Pilgrims came to the Holy House by the thousands but there was still more conflict and the house was moved two more times. 

Finally, it settled in Loretto, on the Adriatic Coast about three hours from Rome. 

In 1498, The Basilica Santa Casa was opened, enshrining the Holy House, where it remains to this day. 

Many Popes and thousands of pilgrims have visited the Holy House, which is the third largest shrine to The Blessed Mother in all of Europe, and there have been countless miracles reported. 

Our Lady of Loretto, please pray for us. 

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