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December 15 – Bl. Mary Frances Schervier

Born in Germany in 1819, her father owned a successful needle factory and her mother was the God Daughter of the Emperor of Austria. 

By the time she was thirteen, her mother and two of her sisters had died of tuberculosis, leaving Mary alone to care for the home. 

Her father was a great role model for Mary and she emulated his love and care for the poor. 

She was considering giving her life to The Lord when her father died in 1845. With the help of her Spiritual Director, Mary made the decision to join the Secular Franciscans. 

Within a year, she and four of her companions established a new order, The Poor Sisters of St. Francis, dedicated to care for the poor, and in 1851 they were approved by the Bishop. 

In 1863 Mary and the Sisters came to the U.S. to provide care for soldiers wounded during the Civil War, ultimately leading to the formation of St. Mary’s Hospital in Hoboken, NJ. 

In 1868, she returned to the United States a second time for the opening of St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Covington, KY, staffed by her Sisters. 

She died in Germany on this day in 1876, with 2500 Poor Sisters of St. Francis staffing hospitals and caring for seniors around the world. 

She was Beatified in 1974 by Pope Paul VI.

Blessed Mary Francis Shervier, please pray for us. 

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