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December 16 – The Feast of St. David

David lived, and reigned, over a thousand years before the birth of Jesus. The Book of Samuel says Jesse had eight sons, Chronicles says it was seven but, in either event, David was the youngest of them all. 

When King Saul angers God by unlawful sacrifices and disobeys his commands, God sends the Prophet Samuel, to anoint David as the new King of Israel. 

Initially, David is called to serve Saul and, with his music: he was highly gifted at playing the lyre. David also was a royal arms bearer. 

When war with the Philistines developed the giant, Goliath, challenged one soldier from the Army of Israel to step forward to fight him. 

To the delight and amusement of Goliath, it is David who responds and then slays him with a sling. 

Instantly, David is a hero for the ages, and grateful Saul gives him command over Israel’s Army. But soon, Saul becomes fearful of David and plots his death. 

Saul’s son, Jonathan, loves David and warns him of the plot, allowing David to get away. 

After a series of narrow escapes, David joins the ranks of the Philistines and, after both Saul and Jonothan are killed in battle, David is anointed King of Judah. After defeating another of Saul’s sons, he becomes King of all Israel. 

David is a great warrior, and he is also a great poet and author of most of the Psalms. But he is not perfect. 

However, after each of his failures, David comes back to The Lord in humility. And, whenever The Lord calls him to serve, David says “yes”. 

Because he does, from The House of David will come The Savior, one thousand years later, and after another person says “yes”, a young lady, named Mary. 

St. David, please pray for us.

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