Born to wealthy Christian parents in the 4th century in what is now Turkey, historical facts are few but his legend is enormous, and across the Christian spectrum, no Saint has been painted as often as St. Nicholas.
It is known that, at a young age, he became Bishop of Myra and was imprisoned during the persecution of Diocletian, then released under Constantine.
Tradition holds that, at the Council of Nicea in 325, St. Nicholas, a staunch opponent to the heresy of Arianism which denied the divinity of Christ, grew so upset with Arius, the author of that heresy, that he lost his temper and punched Arius in the face!
He is said to have dropped gold coins through the window of a poor father three nights in a row because the father lacked a dowry for his daughters and they were about to be forced into prostitution.
And when family wealth was passed on to him, he gave it all away to the poor. Another story tells of him dropping bags of gold down the chimney of a family in need. Sound familiar?
It is this story, as well as many others, that over the centuries has inspired gift-giving on his Feast Day.
Over time, St. Nicholas has become known, as Santa Claus.
For seventeen centuries his legend has grown, and as we near the celebration of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, to His Blessed Mother, in the presence of the great St. Joseph, it must be the case that the generosity of The Father is being expressed around the world through the Love of The Holy Spirit and that St. Nicholas has been given the eternal task of helping us celebrate, with gifts.
St. Nicholas, please pray for us.