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February 25 – The Feast of St. Nestor

Born in Greece in the mid-3rd century, he was a good friend of St. Demetrius. 

This was during the persecution of Maximian, who delighted in seeing his favorite Gladiator, Liaus, slay people, especially, Christians, every day in the Colosseum. 

Liaus was a Vandal and a huge, powerful man, who took great pleasure in killing Christians in front of the Emperor and a large crowd. 

Maximian had a special platform built for him, with spears pointed upward and planted in the ground below him. When he defeated someone, Liaus would pick them up and throw them on the spears so that the crown could watch them die slowly and in great pain. 

Nestor was severely distressed by seeing all of this and went to his friend, Dimitrius, who was being held by Maximian in prison, to seek his blessing. Then, Nestor challenged the giant, Liaus. 

To the astonishment of the crown and the Emperor, Nestor defeated Liaus, and then, threw him onto the same spears where so many had died at his hands. 

In a rage, Maximian had both Nestor and Dimitrius put to death. 

St. Nestor, please pray for us. 

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