This is the feast day of Saint Leander of Seville and Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows. Born in Assisi in 1838, his baptismal name was Francis. He was the 11th of 13 children born to Santé and Agnes, and his father worked for the local government. Francis lost his mother when he was just four, and then two of his sisters also died.
Quite social and popular as a young man, it was assumed he would marry, but there were many changes to come not long after he started college. He lost two of his brothers, was nearly killed while hunting, and in 1851 became gravely ill. While sick, he vowed to become a priest, but soon, he forgot that promise when he got better. Two years later, Francis became sick again and again promised to become a priest when he recovered. This time he kept his word only for a time. He began the process of becoming a Jesuit but never finished. Then a cholera epidemic struck, taking the life of yet another sibling, his sister, Mary. During a procession of the Blessed Mother, who was being called upon for help, he heard an interior voice asking him why he remained in the world.
Finally, he answered the call, and against the wishes of his father joined the Passionists in 1856, taking the name Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows. Gabriel excelled in his studies and was an outstanding example of prayer and dedication, showing a particularly strong desire to serve the poor. But just four years into his journey, Gabriel developed tuberculosis. He continued to serve in all of his roles as long as the disease allowed, but finally succumbed, dying on this day in 1862.
Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, please pray for us.