Born in Armenia in the third century, he was the Bishop of Sebaste.
In the year 313, The Edict of Milan was issued by Roman Emperor Constantine suspending the persecution of Christians but these persecutions did not immediately end and in Sebaste, Blaise was forced from his seat as Bishop and had to flee into the hill country to avoid being killed for leading the Christian community.
Finding safety and solitude in a cave, Blaise developed such a close relationship with the wild animals that they would come and sit with him while he prayed.
One day a group of Roman hunters looking for wild animals to take to the amphitheater were surprised to find Blaise kneeling in prayer and surrounded by wolves, lions and bears.
They arrested him and took him to prison.
While Blaise was being held, a woman whose son had a chicken bone stuck in his throat,came to him and asked for help. Blaise prayed over the boy and immediately the bone was dislodged.
Agri Colaus, the Roman governor, tried to get Blaise to sacrifice to pagan gods, but he refused to deny Jesus.
As a result, he was severely tortured, and then beheaded.
St. Blaise, please pray for us.