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January 26 – The Feast of Sts. Timothy and Titus

Born around the year 17, Timothy received his faith through the conversion of his Grandmother, Lois, and his mother, Eunice, both of whom are named by St. Paul in his letter to Timothy, which we’ll hear in today’s first reading. 

The same reading goes on to show Paul telling Timothy that he was given a Gift by God when Paul laid his hands upon him. 

Paul calls Timothy, who may have been a bit timid, too bold, and tells him to turn his Gift into flame and, through love and self-control, to use it, and give his testimony without feeling ashamed. 

It is very clear, in Titus 1, that Paul is a close friend to Titus, as he gives him full control over The Church in Crete. 

Both Timothy and Titus received letters from Paul, both were Bishops and both spent a lot of time on the road preaching The Word of God with the help and support of Paul. 

Timothy helped establish The Church in Corinth. Titus did the same on the Island of Crete. 

Sts. Timothy and Titus, please pray for us.

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