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July 16 – The Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is the Patroness of the Carmelite order. 

The Carmelites began as a group of hermits who, in the 12th century during the Crusades, sought their spiritual journey on Mt. Carmel where Elijah the prophet had lived in solitude. 

This group of hermits eventually approached St. Albert of Jerusalem and asked him to provide a set of guidelines for them which became known as The Rule of St. Albert

They built a Chapel dedicated to The Blessed Mother and became known as The Brothers of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. 

However, they were forced to leave when the Saracens invaded the Holy Land. When they wondered where they would go, this was the answer they received: “In whatever place you live, draw away from the finite and enter into the infinite space which is God. Turn every place into a Mt. Carmel.” 

In 1242, they established a settlement in England, in 1244, another in southern France and in 1245, at the age of 80, St. Simon Stock was chosen as their leader, and the Blessed Mother would appear to St. Simon and give him the Scapular. 

St. John of The Cross, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. John Paul II, and many others had a great devotion to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. 

The annual outdoor service for the Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel at the Carmelite Monastery in Clayton is now underway and will conclude on Sunday. It starts with music at 7 pm, the Rosary at 7:30 and mass begins at 8 pm. 

“Oh, Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.” 

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, please pray for us.

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