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July 23 – The Feast of St. Bridgette of Sweden

Born in Sweden in 1303, her father was a Knight and wealthy landowner. 

At the age of ten, Bridgette had a vision of Jesus hanging on The Cross. When she asked Him who was responsible Jesus said: “They who despise Me and spurn My Love for them.” 

For the rest of her life, Bridgette would continue to have visions and a special devotion to The Passion of Christ. 

When she was in her mid-teens she married Ulf Gudmarrson and they lived in the royal court of King Magnus II. 

She had eight children; two passed away in infancy, and one would grow up to be St. Catherine of Sweden. 

In 1341, Bridgette and her husband went on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, The Way of St. James, but shortly after their pilgrimage, Ulf died. 

Bridgette, already known at this time for her great generosity, became a member of the Third Order of St. Francis and dedicated her life to caring for the poor and sick. 

Soon after she founded a new community, The Order of The Most Holy Savior, and in 1350 went to Rome to get approval for the new Order, and she never returned. 

Bridgette stayed in Rome and prayed; for an end to Church abuses, the Papacy, and peace between France and England. 

Bridgette’s visions continued. She prayed for a long time that The Lord would show her how many blows He suffered during His Passion. Finally, Jesus appeared to Bridgette and told her; “5480.” And, He said anyone wanting to honor these wounds should say 15 Our Fathers and 15 Hail Marys every day for a year, along with this prayer: 

“Oh, Jesus, Oh King, Oh Lord, Jesus Christ.” 

Just before her death, Bridgette had a vision of Jesus being held by Mary, with Joseph kneeling before Jesus and a light shining from Jesus. 

She died on this day in Rome in 1373.

St. Bridgette of Sweden, please pray for us. 

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