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July 3 – The Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle

How do you see St. Thomas? 

We all know he doubted the others who had seen The Risen Christ, saying he would not believe until he put his fingers in the wounds of Jesus’ hands and in his side but, why did Thomas say that? Was it grief and heartbreak at The Lord’s death? Was he just tired, or was it simply fatigue? 

Thomas had proven his love, courage, and loyalty to Jesus. 

He’d been willing to risk his life to go back to Judea with Jesus to see Lazarus where they had threatened to kill Jesus, saying: “Let us go, also, and die with Him.” 

When Jesus told them He would be leaving so He could prepare a place in Heaven for them so they could follow, Thomas said: “Master, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” 

And, when Jesus appears and shows Thomas His wounds, he says simply: “My Lord and my God.” 

Thomas may have had a weak moment but he never quit following Jesus and, more than that, he spent his life teaching and preaching about Jesus. 

Some believe he traveled as far as southern India, 31 hundred miles from Jerusalem as the crow flies, to bring the words of Jesus to those who had yet to hear. 

He is the Patron Saint of India, Sri Lanka, and Pula, which is in Croatia. 

St. Thomas the Apostle, please pray for us.

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