Born in the latter part of the 13th century into the Royal House of Aragon her mother was Constance II of Sicily, her father would become King Peter the III, and her great Aunt, St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
When she was in her early teens she married Denis, the King of Portugal. From her youth, Isabel had always had a great devotion to The Lord, and in her leadership role in Portugal, it was her faith that guided her in caring for the poor and sick. It was also her great faith that gave her consolation when her husband was less than faithful.
At one point the King, finding Isabel had been taking food from the palace to feed the poor, refused to let her continue and threatened to put her in prison. When he caught her carrying bread in her dress he demanded to see. But when she opened her cloak, the bread had turned into roses.
Isabel became a trusted advisor to all and kept the peace between warring family members eager for the crown, including her son, Alfonso, and his cousin James.
After the death of her husband, she retired to the monastery of The Poor Clares in Coimbra where she spent the rest of her life as a tertiary while continuing to work as a peacemaker through various episodes of Royal intrigue.
She died on this day in 1336.
St. Isabel, please pray for us.