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June 14 – The Feast of St. Elisha

Elisha was born somewhere around the 10th century BC. 

Elijah the Prophet, was sitting in a cave on Mt. Horeb when God told him his successor would be a man named Elisha. 

Setting out to find him, Elijah sees Elisha among a dozen farm workers plowing the field. 

Adopting him as his son, Elijah taught and guided Elisha for the next seven to eight years. 

Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion of his spirit as a prophet, and Elijah agreed, but only if Elisha would accompany him to his death. 

They went to the Jordan where Elijah touched the river with his mantle, causing it to part. When they walked across, a chariot of fire and horses appeared, sweeping Elijah into heaven in a whirlwind. 

In the process, Elijah’s mantle fell, and Elisha used it to part the Jordan again, and return. 

While spending time on Mt. Carmel, he was asked to intervene in a conflict against the Moabites, made worse by a severe drought. The next day the Moabites were defeated. 

Elisha was a prophet of Israel for the next six decades. 

He helped a poor widow multiple a tiny supply of oil, allowing her to take care of her family, he cleansed the contaminated waters in Jericho, preventing miscarriages, resurrected a child, changed poisonous gourds into healthy food during a famine, and fed a hundred men with twenty loaves of barley. 

All of this while, time and again, saving King Jehoram of Israel from various plots. 

On his deathbed, Elisha predicts three military victories, anoints Joash as his successor and, after he dies, a man touching his body is healed. 

When he was buried, another man buried near Elisha was resurrected. 

St. Elisha, please pray for us.

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