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March 17 – The Feast of St. Patrick

Born in Britain when it was ruled by the Romans, the date of his birth cannot be verified. However, we do know he was Ireland’s busiest Christian in the fifth century. 

We also know he came to Ireland as a slave. 

When he was in his mid-teens, Irish raiders captured Patrick, along with a large number of his father’s servants, and they were all taken to Ireland and sold into slavery. 

In his early 20s Patrick escaped to France and then found his way back to Britain but his years as a slave had changed him, into a strong and powerful man with a deep love for The Lord. 

At one point Patrick had a vision of all the children of Ireland reaching out their hands and calling to him, and saw this as a sign to spread The Gospel of Jesus in the land that had made him a slave. 

In spite of the objections of many who saw him as unqualified, Patrick was named Bishop around the year 418, went to western and northern Ireland, sought the protection of the Kings there, and actively proclaimed the Lord’s Word, evangelizing in a part of Ireland where no Christian had ever been. 

He was extremely successful and that success happened fast. 

Overcoming pagan cults and criticism from his own ranks, Patrick, in his own lifetime, organized the island into dioceses and Ireland became a breeding ground for missionaries who carried The Living Word into Europe. 

Just one of St. Patrick’s writings survives; his Confession, and in it he says: 

Brethren and fellow servants in the Lord, 

Who have believed with me, I’ve told to you 

how it has come to pass that, for the sake 

of strengthening and confirming you in faith, 

I have preached, and still do, hoping we all 

may yet rise higher. That is my reward! 

Because the wise son is his father’s glory. 

St. Patrick, please pray for us. 

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