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March 19 – The Feast of St. Joseph

We understand the impact of Mary’s “yes”, which allows Jesus to come into the world but what about the “yes” of St. Joseph? 

When this beautiful young woman, whom he is engaged to, turns out to be pregnant, Joseph overcomes his distress and says “yes” to the Angel he sees in a dream, and marries her. 

When Joseph is ready to bring Mary and The Holy Infant, Jesus, back from Bethlehem he says “yes” when the Angel tells him to take Jesus and Mary into Egypt. When it’s time to return, he says “yes” again but, when he is warned not to go to Judea, his “yes” guides the Holy Family to Galilee, and safety. 

Yes to Mary, yes to Egypt, yes to leaving Egypt, yes to Galilee. It’s just that, we never hear him say it. We never hear Joseph, at all. 

All we know is that, through his faith, obedience, and courage, Joseph saves the Holy Family again, again, and again. 

The silence of St. Joseph speaks to us across the centuries. His trust in The Lord has helped to save us all. 

Today, especially, in this moment, we ask St. Joseph in a special way, to intercede on our behalf and, as he did for His Blessed wife and Jesus, and lead us to safety. 

St. Joseph, please pray for us.

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