Born in the mid-15th century in what is now eastern France, he was the son of the Duke of Savoy and inherited the position.
However, because of severe epilepsy, Amadeus had to retire, leaving most of his duties to his wife, Yolanda.
It was a time of political and military upheaval. The Savoy was the location of many key Alpine passes, and important military and trade routes, and there were many battles for control of them.
In addition, a revolt took place in the Savoy, and Amadues was taken prisoner until his release was secured through the intervention of King Louis XI of France.
Though struggling physically, Amadeus had a great devotion to The Lord and an intense desire to serve the poor. He also oversaw the construction of a large number of Franciscan Friaries.
He died at the age of just 37 on this day in 1472.
Blessed Amadeus, please pray for us.