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March 6 – The Feast of St. Colette

Born in France in 1381 her parents, Robert and Marguerite, had been unable to conceive. Finally, and after many years, they prayed for the intercession of St. Nicholas and soon their prayers were answered. 

On Thanksgiving, they named their daughter Nicolette, eventually calling her Colette for short.

She grew up in a household filled with the Love of the Lord but by the time she was eighteen both her parents had passed away. 

Colette wanted to live a life as a consecrated woman and initially joined the Benedictines as a lay sister but, wanting a deeper journey, she soon moved on to the Franciscans, eventually living as a hermit for four years. 

It was during this period in her life that Colette began to have a series of visions and dreams that would call her to lead a reform of the Poor Clares. 

She was given permission to transfer to the Poor Clares and then, to found new monasteries. 

It was not easy and there was great resistance but, beginning in Geneva and then moving on, she founded seventeen convents and reformed several more. 

Known for her great faith and piety, Colette also continued to have visions, especially, of The Lord’s Passion. 

She died on this day in 1447. 

St. Colette, please pray for us.

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