Born in Italy late in the fifth century, his entire life was caught up in the battle against the Arian heresy which denied the Divinity of Jesus.
When he became Pope in 523, the ruler of Italy, the Gothic King, Theodric, had been a supporter of the Arian heresy for three decades.
Almost immediately after John was elected Pope, Theodoric ordered him to go to Constantinople to seek a meeting with Justis I, leader of the Eastern Roman Empire, a friend to the Pope and firmly against Arianism, to ask him to soften his treatment of Arians under his rule.
Pope John I went but the outcome of the meeting was never discovered.
On his way home, Theodoric, who had grown suspicious of Pope John I had him imprisoned and severely treated.
Pope John I died in prison on this in 526, as a result of his treatment in prison.
St. Pope John I, please pray for us.