Today is the feast day of Saint Antonina of Nicaea. Born in Nicaea in 284, Antonina, at a young age, decided to give her life to the Lord. This was during the reign of Diocletian who was intent on increasing the number of native-born Roman citizens. In fact, Diocletian mandated that all women marry and made it a crime for any woman to intentionally choose celibacy. When Antonina refused to renounce her faith and her chastity, she was sent to a brothel.
However, a young Christian named Alexander pretended to be a customer, but instead switched clothes with her, allowing Antonina to escape. But Alexander was discovered, and they were both arrested, brutally tortured over a 2 day period on red hot irons, and torn with hooks. Antonina was then tossed into the sea becoming a martyr on this day in 305.
Saint Antonina, please pray for us.