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November 12 – The Feast of St. Josephat

In the middle of the 11th century, a split occurred between the Eastern Church based in Constantinople, and the Western Church centered in Rome. 

In the 1500s there was an attempt at reunification at the Synod of Brest. The effort was initially successful but, a few decades in, great descent broke out and many lost their lives. 

Born in 1580, Josephat Kuncewicz, was from a noble Polish family and grew up with a desire to serve The Lord in the religious life. 

After becoming a priest he quickly became well known as a preacher and a leader. 

He was named Bishop of Vitebsk and was able to win a great deal of support for the efforts of reunification. But those opposed became very aggressive. 

When Josephat had an especially vocal priest confined to house arrest, a mob assembled, broke into Josephat’s home, attacked him, shot him, and then threw him into the river, on this day in 1623. 

His body was recovered and taken to Rome, where he is now buried in St. Peter’s Basilica under the altar of St. Basil The Great. 

St. Josephat, please pray for us. 

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